Sankalp Sutra
Thoughts are often referred to as conscious powers, shaping our actions and ultimately defining our destinies. A great idea can open the door to fortune, while negative thoughts can lead to adversity. Our circumstances arise from our mindset; in this way, our thoughts actively create our reality.
Brilliant thoughts guide us toward glory, while harmful thoughts can drag us into despair. By promoting the philosophy of Sat Sankalp, Param Pujya Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya has laid out a visionary framework aimed at transforming society for the better. The principles of Sat Sankalp organize human thought processes, enabling individuals to cultivate their best selves.
When good people unite, they form a virtuous society, reflecting the broader nature of individual development and collective progress. Therefore, the philosophy of thought revolution encapsulated in Sat Sankalp serves as a foundation for personal growth, societal advancement, and a new era of humanity.
Param Pujya Pandit Shri Ram Sharma introduced eighteen Sankalp Sutras, and embracing these principles can profoundly transform your life, guiding you to become a better version of yourself.
१. हम ईश्वर को सर्वव्यापी, न्यायकारी मानकर उसके अनुशासन को अपने जीवन में उतारेंगे |
Firmly believing in the Omnipresence of God and His unfailing justice, we pledge to abide by basic Divine principles (Dharma).
२. शरीर को भगवान का मन्दिर समझकर आत्मसंयम और नियमितता द्वारा आरोग्य की रक्षा करेंगे |
Considering the body as the Temple of God, we will be ever watchful to keep it healthy and full of vitality by adopting the principles of self-control, order, and harmony in our lives.
३. मन को कुविचारों और दुर्भावनाओं से बचाये रखने के लिए स्वाध्याय और सत्संग की व्यवस्था रखे रहेंगे |
With a view to keep our minds free from the inrush of negative thoughts and emotions, we will adopt a regular program of study of ennobling and inspiring literature (Svadhyaya) and keep the company of Saints (Satsanga).
४. इन्द्रिय संयम, अर्थ संयम, समय संयम और विचार संयम का सतत अभ्यास करेंगे |
We will vigilantly exercise strict control over our senses, thoughts, emotions, and spending of time and resources.
५. अपने आपको समाज का एक अभिन्न अंग मानेंगे और सबके हित में अपना हित समझेंगे |
We will consider ourselves inseparable parts of society and will see our good in the good of all.
६. मर्यादाओं को पालेंगे, वर्जनाओं से बचेंगे, नागरिक कर्तव्यों का पालन करेंगे और समाजनिष्ठ बने रहेंगे |
We will abide by basic moral code, refrain from wrongdoing and discharge our duties as citizens committed to the well-being of the society.
७. समझदारी, ईमानदारी, जिम्मेदारी और बहादुरी को जीवन का एक अविच्छिन्न अंग मानेंगे |
We will earnestly and firmly imbibe in our lives the virtues of Wisdom, Honesty, Responsibility and Courage.
८. चारों तरफ मधुरता, स्वच्छता, सादगी और सज्जनता का वातावरण उत्पन्न करेंगे |
We will constantly and sincerely endeavor to create an environment of loving kindness, cleanliness, simplicity, and goodwill.
९. अनीति से प्राप्त सफलता की अपेक्षा नीति पर चलते हुए असफलता को शिरोधार्य करेंगे |
We will accept failure while following the path of righteousness rather than seeking success through unjust means.
१०. मनुष्य के मूल्यांकन की कसौटी उसकी सफलताओं , योग्यताओं एवं विभूतियों को नहीं , उसके सद्-विचारों और सत्कर्मों को मानेंगे |
We will never evaluate a person's greatness by his worldly success, talents, and riches but by his righteous conduct and thoughts.
११. दूसरों के साथ वह व्यवहार नही करेंगे, जो हमें अपने लिए पसंद नहीं |
We will never do unto others what we would not like to be done unto us.
१२. हम नर-नारी के प्रति पवित्र दृष्टि रखेंगे |
Members of opposite sexes while interacting with each other will have feelings of mutual warmth and understanding based on purity of thoughts and emotions.
१३. संसार में सद-वृतियों के पुण्य प्रसार के लिए अपने समय, प्रभाव, ज्ञान , पुरुषार्थ एवं धन का एक अंश नियमित रूप से लगाते रहेंगे |
We will regularly and religiously contribute a portion of our time, talents, and resources for spreading nobility and righteousness in the world.
१४. परम्पराओं की तुलना में विवेक को महत्व देंगे |
We will give precedence to discriminating wisdom over blind traditions.
१५. सज्जनों को संगठित करने, अनीति से लोहा लेने और नव-सृजन की गतिविधियों में पूरी रूचि लेंगे |
We will actively involve ourselves in bringing together persons of goodwill in resisting evil and injustice and in promoting New Creation.
१६. राष्ट्रीय एकता एवं समता के प्रति निष्ठावान बने रहेंगे | जाति, लिंग, भाषा, प्रांत सम्प्रदाय आदि के कारण परस्पर कोई भेदभाव न बरतेंगे |
We will remain committed to the principles of national unity and equality of all human beings. In our conduct, we will not make any discrimination between person and person based on caste, creed, color, religion, region, language, or sex.
१७. मनुष्य अपने भाग्य का निर्माता आप है , इस विश्वास के आधार पर हमारी मान्यता है कि हम उत्कृष्ट बनेंगे और दूसरो को श्रेष्ठ बनायेंगे, तो युग अवश्य बदलेगा |
We firmly believe that each human being is the maker of his own destiny. With this conviction, we will uplift and transform ourselves and help others in doing so. We believe the world will then automatically change for the better.
१८. "हम बदलेंगे-युग बदलेगा""हम सुधरेंगे- युग सुधरेगा" इस तथ्य पर हमारा परिपूर्ण विश्वास है |
Our Motto is : "Ham Badalenge - Yug Badalegaa", "Ham Sudharenge - Yug Sudharegaa"
।When we transform ourselves, the world will be transformed. When we reform ourselves, the world will be reformed.